Home Learning
The following principles underpin our approach to homework and home learning:
- The nature and quality of the homework is just as important and may be more important than the time spent completing it
- Homework that includes preparation and practice is likely to be more effective than homework concerned only with curriculum content
- Homework plays a critical role in achievement and motivation: it gives children positive beliefs about achievement as well as strategies for coping with mistakes, difficulties and setbacks
- Homework can encourage children to have a sense of responsibility for their own learning
- Homework can encourage children to study independently
- Homework should strengthen the partnership between school and parents
- Homework should provide greater opportunities for parents to engage with their child’s learning
As a school we have access to a number of platforms to support home learning:
Times Table Rockstars (KS2 Maths)
If you need any login details for your child, please speak to your child's teacher or contact the School Office.